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Tag: Towers Watson

Keeping pace with evolving expectations

Public perceptions of senior bankers are not overly flattering at present, writes Jeffrey Tang. ...

Galloping ahead

Firms that adapt to HR hurdles will fly in Year of the Horse, writes John Cremer. ...

Towers Watson sees 7pc pay rise in Asia in 2014

Whether it is to attract job candidates with sought-after skill sets or to keep pace with inflation, or whether it is just a simple reflection of rising GDP, it seems there will be no stopping salary growth across Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the coming year, writes John Brennan. ...

Firms floundering in seas of change

For most organisations, change of one type or another is a constant companion, writes Chris Davis. ...

Social networks can bridge communication gap

While all-pervasive social media has revolutionised the way people interact with each other in a cluttered online environment, it appears that many employers are being sluggish to embrace social network channels to engage with their workforce, writes Chris Davis. ...

Firms fail to convey message on benefits boost

In today's competitive "people" market, company talent-management programmes are increasingly utilising employee-benefit schemes structured to match employee objectives and expectations, writes Chris Davis. ...

56pc of employers use social media at work: report

Towers Watson’s flash survey reveals little consensus on effectiveness on using social media tools for internal communication to promote corporate community ...

Many Asian firms think staff undervalue benefits: survey

Towers Watson regional survey shows big gap in perception over benefits schemes, even though four in 10 companies spend more than 20pc of payroll on employee benefits and many may opt for more flexible plans ...

Companies need new strategies in contest for top talent

Life for a chief executive is never easy, writes John Cremer. ...

Inventive incentives

Bosses must start tailoring rewards to needs, writes John Cremer. ...