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Tag: Transferable Skills

【僱主話你知】3步了解自己有咩「可轉移技能」 搵工轉行其實唔難

轉唔轉行,除咗要考慮行業發展前景,仲要睇下自己累積嘅經驗同技能喺另一個行業上有無用處。而僱主係咪只會考慮熟行情有工作經驗嘅人?未必,但你必須要知道自己有咩「可轉移技能(Transferable skills)」。 ...

How to unlock those hidden transferable skills and broaden your job search

Have you ever been deterred from applying for a job you thought you’d be great at, just because you felt ...... ...

Look beyond titles

Iam often asked by candidates how transferable their experience is from one industry to the next. Frustrated by how... ...

Soldiers turn entrepreneur as 1 million exit U.S. military

Ex-US veterans are turning to business and creating more jobs while 1 million will exit the military through 2015. ...

Flowering hopes

Andrew Primrose hasn’t finished his HKUST MBA yet but he’s already set up his own online referral business, reports Michael Taylor. ...

Escaping the career trap

Employees are being trapped in career silos because they don't believe they can cross industry ... ...

Network for career control

Last week, we dealt with some of the questions you need to ask yourself if you are to have full control over your ... ...

Transfer skills to a new role

Employees are getting trapped in career silos as they don't believe they can cross industry ... ...