Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Master's

Why is it so hard to get into HK's sports field?

I've sent over 300 sports related job applications and with no recruiter feedback, I'm beginning to wonder if the ads are fake. ...

Getting into risk management/compliance

I'm halfway through a boring back-office banking contract role and ideally I'd like to switch to a permanent investment banking position. ...

Seeking a career path as an analyst

I'd love to be a data/business analyst however without business experience, I've been failing the interviews. Any suggestions on how to land a junior analyst role? ...

Perseverance sees beyond limitations

Finding a job in Hong Kong has never been easy for Jack Liu, writes Jolene Otremba. ...

What can I do to improve my career in HR?

Although I studied finance, I'm no longer interested in the sector. I would like to develop a career in HR and want to better prepare for it. ...

Ways to boost competitiveness through further studies?

I have a masters degree and I'm considering studying part-time. Would this help or would I be viewed as overqualified by prospective employers? ...

Will I be able to start anew again?

I haven't been able to find a full-time teaching position during my five month search. I'm running out of money and need to find something permanent fast! ...

Looking for media related jobs in aviation sector

I'd love to work in aviation however it's really difficult to find entry level jobs. Should I try and gain some media experience in other sectors before trying again? ...

Post Graduate Diploma vs Master's Degree

What is the difference between a postgraduate diploma and a master's degree? Which would be a better option for me? ...

Losing hope to find a job

Even though I'm a Master's graduate, I can only find hospitality jobs in Hong Kong. I'm really struggling ... ...